Renaissance Blog

The Renaissance was known as the period of cultural, artistic, political, and economic “rebirth” after the Middle Ages. It was also a time in Europe that marks the transition between the Middle Ages to the modern era, which took place starting in Florence, Italy, and lasted from the 14th century to the 17th century. This period promoted the rediscovery of classic philosophy, art, and literature. Some of the most famous artists from this period are Jan van Eyck, Sandro Botticelli, Hieronymus Bosch, and Leonardo da Vinci. The artwork that I chose to look at is known as The Triumph of the Virtues. The Triumph of the Virtues was created in 1502 by Italian Renaissance painter Andrea Mantegna. The painting is currently housed in Musée du Louvre, a house located in Paris. The painting portrays a marsh that is enclosed by a fence, ruled over by the Vices, which are disfigured hideously. In the painting, you can also see that Idleness is being chased by Minerva, the Rom...